Mạng thể thao bet365au (Việt Nam)


Recruitment policy: is issued to attract and recruit the most suitable human resources for Company. The main contents of this policy are oriented for the activities of recruiting, attracting and retaining talents.

  • Recruitment comes from the production and business demand of Company.
  • Recruitment should be within the approved personnel schedule (except in special cases).
  • Company prioritizes the promotion opportunities for internal employees before recruiting external candidates.
  • Intimates (family members, relatives) must not work in the same department.
  • Recruitment must be done in accordance with Recruitment Procedure.

Training policy: is issued to unify the guidelines relating to the training and developing the human resources in compliance with the general policy and each development stage of the Company.

Training programs:

  • Orientation training: is conducted to introduce about Company; present and guide necessary issues for new employees when starting to work at the Company.
  • Training to improve work results: is applied for employees with performance review at Developmental level, but having good attitude and wish of long-term commitment to the Company. This training program mainly provides the knowledge and skills necessary for employees to complete jobs with higher results.
  • Training to improve professional skills: apply to employees who have the results of work evaluation from the level Satisfactory or higher. This program mainly provides new knowledge, which is consistent with the need of technology development trends, the era to enhance the competitiveness of the Company.
  • Soft skill training: is applied to those employees whose performance reviews are from Fully competent level or higher. The soft skill training program mainly provides skills to work with people and professional skills to help employees achieve the highest labor productivity.
  • Potential leader training: is applied to employees with performance review from Fully competent level or above, with good attitude, foreign language skill, leadership qualities, wish of long-term commitment to the Company. The training program mainly focuses on developing management skill, leadership thinking, vision, strategy, …
  • Leadership improvement training: is applied to employees from group management level and above, this training program mainly focuses on improving leadership, management, vision, strategy …